Compare online brokers at the new : broker compare
After over 6 months of hard work and 100s of hours of research I am very happy and excited to let you know about the newest version of our online broker comparison site, trade WISER. The largest online comparison site for brokers currently available on the web.
The site has been totally overhauled and moved into Beta. Not only is there a completely fresh look but also added were a slew of new great tools for comparing stock brokers online.
Use the new trade commissions calculator to reveal potential savings for stocks, options, and/or mutual funds. Read through individual online broker reviews to see their latest offers, full breakdown of commissions and features, and even full screenshot galleries to preview each broker before opening an account.
Probably the coolest new feature is the ability to compare 19 different online brokers side by side in a broker vs broker showdown. Our unique 5 star rating system will help you determine a winner.
Visit the new trade WISER and see what you think. Feel free to provide any feedback in our feedback forum or simply email us. Screenshots below:
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